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The PleaseStay. Movement is an ADVOCACY GROUP calling for unity and support to prevent suicide among young people.


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To create a Singapore where no youth is lost to suicide.


Engage government, other agencies and the public through sharing experiences, amplifying problems, identifying service gaps and eliciting alternative solutions so that a systemic approach on youth suicide prevention will be developed across education, healthcare, employment & society at large.

What we are striving for

The PleaseStay. Movement is an advocacy group calling for unity and support to prevent suicide among young people.


We believe that no youth should be lost to suicide and that all of us play a role in supporting those at risk.  Therefore we want to engage government, other agencies and the public to find better solutions to safeguard our young and help prevent suicide in Singapore.


We appreciate that some sectors - healthcare, education, social and family - have effectively rolled out programmes to support young people.  Many campaigns address youth mental health and target stigma on depression, but the discussion on youth suicide continues in whispers.   We need to address youth suicide head-on and seriously talk about prevention strategies.  We believe that only a coordinated, integrated and systemic approach can effectively prevent suicide and its upstream issues of depression, anxiety and related emotional and mental disorders. 


We are hopeful that the Government, in announcing its mental health task force in March 2021, will develop a National Mental Health Strategy which includes suicide prevention among youths.  


THIS WEBSITE attempts to bring together concerns about youth suicide.  It is a platform for information on youth suicide and the network of support available. It offers observations on what's on the ground and discussions on prevention strategies which other countries like New Zealand have implemented.  It also highlights help services for youths-at-risk and families who are bereaved.  We must learn and shape an effective strategy urgently, as we remember the many young lives lost to suicide


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Who we are

PleaseStay. Movement was founded by a group of mothers united by the loss of their children to suicide.  Since its launch on 29th Oct 2019, the mothers have encouraged responsible dialogue about the rising youth suicide rates and the upstream issues of anxiety, depression and mental illness.  Many have shared their stories openly, overcoming their fears and persevering through the sting of stigma.  Still others have chosen not to be named and lend their support quietly.  All stand united on this journey to give a collective voice to say "PLEASE STAY".

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Founding Suicide Bereaved Parents

The initial group of co-founders are Doreen, Elaine, Helen, Geok Lan, Irene, Jenny, Joyce, Karen, Lay Hong, LiPing, Linda, May, Sandra and Yee Ling & Yen-Lu, and their collective voices were soon amplified with Annie, Espie, Jane, May Bautista and Schinde.  Their children are dearly remembered and deeply missed.  (see Remembering Lives).

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The PleaseStay. Movement was founded under the Child Bereavement Support Singapore (CBSS), a peer-support network for parents who have suffered the loss of a child, regardless of circumstance.  Since 2015, the number of parents bereaved by suicide and seeking help from CBSS had been rising.  This worrying trend could not be ignored and together with a few suicide-bereaved mothers, and encouragement from Over The Rainbow, the PSM was born.  CBSS' co founder Valerie Lim continues to direct and manage the running of PSM until such time when it can be on its own.


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