Suicide is the leading cause of death for those aged 10-29.
For each suicide, there are more than 20 suicide attempts.
We need a national strategy led by a dedicated agency for greater effectiveness.
Every life is precious. Let us act now to save lives.
An exhibition by PleaseStay Movement & Youthline. Design by MullenLowe
In Singapore, suicide is the leading cause of death for youths aged 10 - 29, leaving affected families to mourn their loved ones through the things they leave behind. The Rooms That Remain brings to life the bedrooms of Zen Dylan Koh, Mitchell Ang and Elisabeth Pauwels who were lost to suicide a few years ago. Through the exploration of these three personal spaces (physically and virtually), we hope to spark the necessary conversations on suicide prevention and mental health.
Pop-up Dates: 24 June - 6 July 2024 Time: 10am - 9pm
Location: Wisma Atria, Main Atrium (Level One) - Physical exhibition of Zen's room
Virtual rooms and further details : www.theroomsthatremain.com

Support for parents who are caregivers to loved ones at high risk - please contact 96982046 or Stigma2Strength (Singapore)
Help for Youths
Help is available.
Some are free of charge.
You can remain anonymous. Look for one which suits you.
- a chat service
Académie of Stars World Mental Health Awareness : "Live for a Better Day" Project Director's Cut
More at Resources

The Stories Behind: This mum talks through tears of her daughter's suicide because the teen would 'want her to' (Today 3 Aug 2024)


LIVE LIFE - WHO Implementation guide to suicide prevention in countries

Healing Hearts - a support group in Singapore dedicated to mothers who have lost their children to suicide (Our Better World)
Quick Links
More Reads
Talk Responsibly about Suicide
Books with relevant themes on suicide
Suicide Prevention Organisations
About Youth
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We are grateful to parents for contributing photos, drawings, sketches, poems and other memories of their children to this website.